Designing Web & Mobile Graphics
Designing Web & Mobile Graphics provides foundational methodology for optimal use of graphics that begins with HTML and CSS, and delves into the worlds of typography, color, transparency, accessibility, imagery, and layout for optimal delivery on all the different devices people use today.
更多信息 →A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider
A collection of over 50 true stories, fictional short stories, and poems by 37 writers whose work is distinguished by honesty and vulnerability, combined with encouragement and hope.
更多信息 →Deadly Straits
When marine engineer and very part-time spook Tom Dugan becomes collateral damage in the War on Terror, he's not about to take it lying down. Deadly Straits is a non-stop thrill ride, fast-paced, multilayered and gripping.
更多信息 →The 11 Secrets of Getting Published
Learn insider secrets of getting published! Become an author. Hold the book of your heart in your hands for the first time.
更多信息 →Thriving: Trusting God for Life to The Fullest
Thriving equips you to live the abundant life – even in difficult circumstances. Chapters include practical questions for individual study or small group discussion.
更多信息 →Confident Faith
You can enjoy a robust faith - one you can share with skeptical friends - by learning the "Twenty Arrows of Truth," including evidence from science, logic, history, archaeology, the Bible, and more. Experience a confident faith - today!
更多信息 →Flying Solo
Sometimes the choices we make in life have devastating consequences. Based on a true story, Nora is a 1960s French Cajun housewife who trains as a pilot. Dynamics collide when an ilicit affair produces a child and a choice.
更多信息 →明谋正养:三十六计密解
三十六计是中华人民智慧的结晶,也是中华谋略的精华所在。自古到今,解读三十六计的书不胜枚举,大家各持己见,各有千秋,我难置褒贬。但我认为要解读谋略文化,尤其像三十六计这样的谋略精华,有两点很重要。首先,要修复别人是如何使用计谋的。好像长篇累牍,却不知所云,不能辅导计谋的实际用法,无异于白费口舌。明谋是教我们看透别人是怎么用谋的,人家为什么要这样用,目的何在;相反,自己要知道如何用计谋。我们明谋之后,是要用来正养的。 ,我们可以用谋略来提升自我修养;另外,即使不一定已用谋,那也要以正养作为根基,厚养而承谋,心安而理得,否则,又落入“兵者,诡异”道也”的套路中了。计谋不只是用来对付大学生的,它还可以规范自己,这既给计谋的利用开辟了新的道路,进一步养育的提升找到了新的方法。如果我们不能站起来明谋正养的角度看待谋略,世人还是谈谋色变,不敢去正视它,无法理解谋略的本质和去真正的目的,我们始终有一个勾心斗角,不能让计谋更好地服务于我们和促进社会的发展。
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